Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Santai dulu ah

Selamat pagi

Melihat berita-berita kerugian banyak perusahaan serta PHK diseluruh dunia rasanya suasana belum kondusif untuk investasi. Tradingpun hanya bagi mereka-mereka yang memang pekerjaannya hanya trading yang memiliki waktu dan ilmu untuk melaksanakannya.

Jangan paksakan diri. Santai saja dulu. Dalam masa santai ini mari kita review dengan mempelajari keberhasilan dan kegagalan kita selama ini. Selanjutnya bagaimana kita mencari jalan meningkatkan keberhasilan dan bangkit dari kegagalan.

Di pasar masih banyak beruang yang sedang belanja.

Sambil santai coba baca kembali posting The 20 Golden Rule of Investment dan interpretasinya:

The 20 Golden Rules of Investment dengan interpretasinya

Investing your own money is a complicated and potentially dangerous business. One slip in the tricky world of stocks and shares can prove very costly. So Times Money offers a guide on how to survive and profit in the investment jungle.

1) Buy low; sell high. (beli harga obral)

2) Don't chase performance. If you like a stock or fund, buy on the dips. (jangan jadi Oneng yang membeli karena harga lagi rally)

3) Run your winners. In other words let your profts roll up and don't be in too much of a hurry to kiss goodbye to your best-performing investments. ( jangan sampai terlalu cepat melakukan ciuman perpisahan kepada saham-saham pemenang)

4) Cut your losses before they become excessive. (meskipun maksudnya berinvestasi, jangan sampai kerugian dibiarkan berlarut-larut. Adam Khoo investor kondang Sinapura membatasinya sampai 20%)

5) Never get too attached to a share or a fund. As the late Sir John Harvey Jones once said: "You sometimes have to kill your favourite children." (jangan jatuh cinta kepada sebuah saham. Banyak yang jatuh cinta ke BUMI sampai mau-maunya sehidup semati degan saham yang bersangkutan dan akhirnya bengong karena saham ini dan saudara-saudaranya dikeluarkan dari kelompok LQ45)

6) In general, think long-term. As Warren Buffett, the great US investor once said: "Never buy a stock unless you would be happy with it if the stock exchange closed down for the next 10 years." (WB bilang belilah saham yang kalau sampai Wall Sreet atau BEI tutup, kita masih merasa bahagia memiliki saham tersebut)

7) But don't let that stop you reviewing your portfolio regularly. You need to check that your portfolio is properly balanced. (monitor dengan baik)

8) Reinvest your dividends. The power of compounding your reinvested share or fund dividends makes a massive difference to your overall return. (coba hitung jika dividen yang diperoleh diinvestasikan kembali dengan hitungan bunga berbunga dengan persentase tertentu)

9) Don't put all your eggs in one basket. If you had had all your money in tech stocks in March 2000 you would probably have had about 90 per cent of the value of your portfolio wiped out over the next couple of years. (jangan menaruh telur di satu keranjang)

10) Although it makes sense to hold shares for the long term you don't necessarily want to hold them forever. In the end shares are for buying and selling not for buying and forgetting about. (jangan mentang-mentang melakukan investasi lalu nggak pernah menjualnya meskipun harganya turun)

11) To that end make sure you spend as much time thinking about selling shares as you do about buying them. Most investors neglect this vital discipline. (jangan lupa memikirkan kapan waktunya menjual. Hali ini banyak dilupakan. Selalu yang difikir adalah bei, beli dan beli. Keuntungan akan diperoleh jika kita telah menjualnya)

12) Make sensible use of tax-privileged investment vehicles such as pensions and Individual Savings Accounts (Isas) but never let the tax tail wag the investment dog.

13) If you don't understand how a particular investment works it's probably not a good idea to put money into it.(jangan berinvestasi jika nggak ngerti ilmunya)

14) Don't be afraid to ask the `what if' question. In the late 1990s many investors bought supposedly `low risk' savings products linked to the performance of the stock market. Few asked what would happen if the stock market fell off a cliff, as it did from 2000 onwards, slashing the value of the so-called `precipice bonds'. (malu bertanya sesat dijalan)

15) Be flexible and don't back yourself into a corner. If you bought a stock for 500p and it's now languising at 50p, don't stubbornly hold on to it indefinitely in the misguided belief that it's bound to recover to 500p - it may never do so. (kalau kita beli diharga 500 dan sampai saat ini kita mash memegangnya meskipun harganya telah menjadi 50 dengan harapan harga kembali, mungkinkah itu?)

16) Don't be afraid to go against the crowd - some of the most successful investors have been contrarian investors. (Janga takut untuk bertindak bertentangan dengan kebanyakan orang))

17) Never be influenced by `special offers' such as the discounts sometimes advertised by fund groups for purchasing funds within a specific time. It's much better to buy the right fund than to get a few pounds knocked off the purchase price of the wrong fund. ( jangan jadi korba iklan)

18) Ignore all stock market `tips', whether offered in the workplace or at the nineteenth hole of the local golf course. Remember the old stock market adage that "where there's a tip there's a tap". (Percaya kepada diri sendiri – termasuk jangan percaya kepada tips nya ER)

19) Never get too carried away by investment euphoria, whether for stocks and shares or bricks and mortar - nothing goes up for ever. (merurut saya kalimat ini berbicara tentang siklus)

20) Remember that if something looks too good to be true - it probably is. (memang demikian lah adanya. Yang bagus itu mesti selalu dibilang bagus)


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